531 Ultimate Pokémon Nicknames (Categorized By Creature Type)


If you’re not familiar with Pokémon games, they’re all about role-playing, exploring different worlds, catching cool creatures, and battling other trainers. The video game series debuted in Japan in 1996, and tons of versions have been released since then.

In almost any game, you can create unique Pokémon nicknames for the creatures you catch. Whether you’re playing Sword and Shield, Scarlet and Violet, or another version, we’ve got you covered with over 500 Pokémon nickname ideas.

To make searching easier, this list is categorized by the creature’s type or traits. There are sections based on pop culture, most popular Pokémon, and more!

pokemon nicknames text over gray background

Pokémon Nicknames By Characteristic


Some of the fastest Pokémon include Deoxys (Speed Forme), Ninjask, Pheromosa, Calyrex (Shadow Rider), Electrode, Zacian (Crowned Sword), Accelgor, Zeraora, Dragapult, and Barraskewda.

To create nicknames for Pokémon like them, you can either use words that represent being fast or combine the Pokémon name with one of those words for a more personalized approach.

Ideas could be:

  • Agile or Agilgor (Accelgor)

  • Blitz or Blitzdrag (Dragapult)

  • Blaze or Blazask (Ninjask)

  • Bolt or Dragabolt (Dragapult)

  • Brisk or Briskoxys (Deoxys)

  • Dash or Dashtrode (Electrode)

  • Flash or Flashapult (Dragapult)

  • Fleet or Fleetosa (Pheromosa)

  • Hasty or Hastora (Zeraora)

  • Hyper or Hyperomosa (Pheromosa)

  • Lightning or Lightningrex (Calyrex)

  • Nimble or Accelnimb (Accelflash)

  • Rapid or Rapidpult (Dragapult)

  • Speedy or Zeraspeed (Zeraora)

  • Swifty or Swiftyskewda (Barraskewda)

  • Turbo or Turbozac (Zacian)

  • ZigZag or Zigzagora (Zeraora)

  • Zoom or Barrazoom (Barraskewda)

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list of nicknames for fast Pokémon


Some of the angriest Pokémon include Gyarados, Charizard, Pangoro, Mewtwo, Primeape, Tyranitar, Feraligatr, Haxorus, Salamence, and Groudon.

To create nicknames for Pokémon like them, you can choose words that symbolize rage, or combine their names with those words for a more customized nickname.

Here are some ideas:

  • Berserk or Bersrados (Gyarados)

  • Clash or Clashizard (Charizard)

  • Fury or Furgoro (Pangoro) - Fury is also on our list of gaming names

  • Grumble or Feralgrum (Feraligatr)

  • Havoc or Haxavoc (Haxorus)

  • Infernal or Infernitar (Tyranitar)

  • Outrage or Mewrage (Mewtwo)

  • Rampage or Rampador (Pangoro)

  • Rage or Ragerados (Gyarados)

  • Savage or Savalance (Salamence)

  • Smolder or Smolrizard (Charizard)

  • Snarl or Snarlprime (Primeape)

  • Tempest or Salatemp (Salamence)

  • Tornado or Grounado (Groudon)

  • Venom or Vendos (Gyarados)

  • Vex or Vexorus (Haxorus)

  • Wrath or Wrathitar (Tyranitar)

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list of nicknames for angry Pokémon


Some of the strongest Pokémon include Arceus, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Zacian (Crowned Sword), Giratina, Kyogre, Groudon, Eternatus, Dialga, and Ultra Necrozma.

To create nicknames for strong Pokémon, you can use words that symbolize strength, or combine their names with those words to customize their nicknames.

Here are some options:

  • Ardent or Ardenus (Eternatus)

  • Beefy or Beefgrou (Groudon)

  • Brawny or Brawnray (Rayquaza)

  • Burly or Burgira (Giratina)

  • Dominance or Domzacia (Zacian)

  • Feisty or Necreist (Ultra Necrozma)

  • Forceful or Forcemew (Mewtwo)

  • Fortitude or Dialgitude (Dialga)

  • Indomitable or Indomitus (Arceus)

  • Mighty or Kyomight (Kyogre)

  • Power or Powzac (Zacian)

  • Robust or Bustquaza (Rayquaza)

  • Sinewy or Sinewtwo (Mewtwo)

  • Stalwart or Stalgro (Groudon)

  • Stout or Girast (Giratina)

  • Stronghold or Diahold (Dialga)

  • Titan or Titarc (Arceus)

  • Vigor or Vigorlga (Dialga)

Looking for more strong names? Check out our powerful World of Warcraft guild names.

list of nicknames for strong Pokémon


Some of the most adorable Pokémon include Oshawott, Jirachi, Turtwig, Komala, Eevee, Mudkip, Mew, Squirtle, Torchic, and Oddish.

To come up with nicknames for cute Pokémon, you can use words that represent their cuteness or combine their names with those words to make it more personal.

Here are some possibilities:

  • Adorable or Adorott (Oshawott)

  • Appealing or Oddipeal (Oddish)

  • Attractive or Tortract (Torchic)

  • Charming or Charmrachi (Jirachi)

  • Cuddly or Cuddletwig (Turtwig)

  • Darling or Darvee (Eevee)

  • Dainty or Daintmew (Mew)

  • Delightful or Delitwig (Turtwig)

  • Endearing or Dearmew (Mew)

  • Fetching or Fetchrachi (Jirachi)

  • Lovely or Eevely (Eevee)

  • Lovable or Oshalov (Oshawott)

  • Peppy or Pepsquirt (Squirtle)

  • Precious or Prekip (Mudkip)

  • Pretty or Squirpy (Squirtle)

  • Snazzy or Snazzytwig (Turtwig)

  • Sweet or Komalsweet (Komala)

  • Winsome or Torwin (Torchic)

list of nicknames for cute Pokémon


Some of the smartest Pokémon include Alakazam, Metagross, Uxie, Slowking, Mewtwo, Latios, Latias, Oranguru, Meloetta, and Gardevoir.

Nickname ideas for Pokémon like them could be words that mean intelligent or combine the creature’s name with these words for a more personalized version.

Check out these ideas:

  • Astute or Alakastute (Alakazam)

  • Brainy or Metabrain (Metagross)

  • Bright or Brigslow (Slowking)

  • Brilliant or Brillux (Uxie)

  • Clever or Clevwo (Mewtwo)

  • Cunning or Cunnetas (Latias)

  • Genius or Gurugen (Oranguru)

  • Gifted or Giftios (Latios)

  • Insightful or Insightevoir (Gardevoir)

  • Intelligent or Intellios (Latios)

  • Perceptive or Perceptas (Latias)

  • Savvy or Savetta (Meloetta)

  • Sharp or Sharpalak (Alakazam)

  • Shrewd or Shruxie (Uxie)

  • Wise or Wiselow (Slowking)

list of nicknames for smart Pokémon

Creepy or Scary

Some scary Pokémon include Gengar, Darkrai, Banette, Mimikyu, Chandelure, Sableye, Dusknoir, Trevenant, Giratina, and Froslass.

To come up with spooky nicknames for Pokémon like these, you can use creepy words or combine their names with those words for a custom approach.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Apparition or Apparphan (Phantump)

  • Banshee or Froshee (Froslass)

  • Boogey or Gourboo (Gourgeist)

  • Creep or Drifcree (Drifloon)

  • Cryptic or Cryptabra (Kadabra)

  • Demon or Demette (Banette)

  • Eerie or Eerengar (Gengar)

  • Fiend or Fiendure (Chandelure)

  • Fright or Frightlass (Froslass)

  • Ghastly or Ghastgeist (Gourgeist)

  • Haunt or Hanette (Banette)

  • Hex or Hexabra (Kadabra)

  • Macabre or Macaburgeist (Gourgeist)

  • Menace or Menectump (Phantump)

  • Phantom or Driftom (Drifloon)

  • Poltergeist or Polterlamp (Lampent)

  • Revenant or Revengar (Gengar)

  • Shadow or Shadowban (Banette)

  • Specter or Spectrelure (Chandelure)

  • Spinechill or Spinegeist (Gourgeist)

  • Spooky or Spookabra (Kadabra)

  • Terror or Terrorfloon (Drifloon)

  • Wraith or Wraithlass (Froslass)

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list of nicknames for scary Pokémon

Pokémon Nicknames Inspired By Nature


Popular water Pokémon include Gyarados, Vaporeon, Squirtle, Lapras, Kyogre, Blastoise, Milotic, Piplup, Suicune, and Greninja.

To come up with nicknames for water-type Pokémon, you can use names that symbolize water in some way and already sound like cool nicknames.

Here’s a list of names with meanings relating to water:

Boy Names

  • Aenon (fountain)

  • Carlow (four-part lake)

  • Dax (water)

  • Evros (the Evros River)

  • Firth (arm of the sea)

  • Innes (from the river island)

  • Jorah (first rain)

  • Kai (sea)

  • Kano (water god)

  • Kraken (sea monster) - This is also on our list of Call Of Duty clan names

  • Laiken (from the lake)

  • Leith (flowing water)

  • Llyr (sea)

  • Marlow (lake remains)

  • Nalin (lotus; water)

  • Nereus (water; god of the sea)

  • Odine (little wave)

  • Paroo (flow of water)

  • Rio (river)

  • Sagara (the sea)

  • Thames (dark river)

Girl Names

  • Aqua (one from water)

  • Asita (River Yamuna)

  • Chamiree (crooked stream)

  • Chandania (river)

  • Chantara (moon water)

  • Derya (sea)

  • Eyre (friend of the sea)

  • Kaimana (power of the ocean)

  • Kishi (beach; seashore)

  • Laguna (pond or lake)

  • Lupeta (wolf river)

  • Maayan (spring of water)

  • Namra (delicious water)

  • Nixie (water sprite)

  • Ondine (wave of water)

  • Rialta (deep brook)

  • Rio (river)

  • Sereia (mermaid)

  • Tarni (salty water)

  • Zarya (water priestess)

list of nicknames for water Pokémon


Popular fire Pokémon include Charizard, Arcanine, Blaziken, Ninetales, Typhlosion, Infernape, Houndoom, Emboar, Flareon, and Magmar.

To come up with nicknames for fire-type Pokémon, you can use names that mean fire in some way and already sound like good nicknames.

Here’s a list of names that mean fire:

Boy Names

  • Adar (fire)

  • Blaze (fire)

  • Cinaed (born of fire)

  • Cyrus (sun)

  • Elio (sun)

  • Haco (flame; fire)

  • Helios (sun)

  • Horus (sun god)

  • Ignacio (fiery)

  • Ignatius (fiery)

  • Inigo (fiery)

  • Keahi (flames)

  • Mogotsi (fire lighter)

  • Nuri (my fire)

  • Pheonix (dark red; a bird that built its own pyre and then was reborn from the ashes)

  • Pyrrhus (redhaired; flame-colored)

Girl Names

  • Adara (fire)

  • Arpina (rising of sun)

  • Atsila (fire)

  • Azar (fire)

  • Bedelia (goddess of fire)

  • Calida (fiery)

  • Cyra (sun throne)

  • Ember (spark; burning low)

  • Enya (little fire)

  • Helia (sun)

  • Idalia (behold the sun)

  • Kalinda (sun)

  • Liekki (flame)

  • Mirri (the sun)

  • Nuria (fire of the lord)

  • Oriane (sunrise)

  • Shula (flame)

  • Soleil (sun)

  • Sunniva (sun gift)

list of nicknames for fire Pokémon

Earth and Ground

Popular earth and ground Pokémon include Garchomp, Torterra, Mudsdale, Groudon, Donphan, Sandslash, Claydol, Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Palossand.

To come up with nicknames for earth-type Pokémon, you can use names that symbolize the earth or ground in some way and already sound like awesome nicknames.

Here’s a list of names that mean earth:

Boy Names

  • Akamu (of the earth)

  • Arlo (rock hill; fortified hill)

  • Bardo (son of the earth)

  • Cephas (rock or stone)

  • Clay (earth)

  • Daichi (earth; land)

  • Doruk (mountaintop)

  • Enki (lord of the earth)

  • Geo (earth)

  • Goran (mountain man)

  • Haran (hill)

  • Kaj (earth)

  • Knox (from the hills)

  • Rocky (stony)

  • Seb (god of earth)

  • Sol (soil)

  • Tellus (earth or globe)

  • Tir (earth)

  • Vale (valley)

Girl Names

  • Adamina (of the earth)

  • Afra (color of earth)

  • Avani (earth)

  • Bhumi (earth)

  • Danu (earth mother goddess)

  • Delkii (earth)

  • Dhara (earth)

  • Dunia (world or earth)

  • Ela (earth)

  • Gaia (mother goddess of earth)

  • Ila (earth)

  • Kaya (rock or cliff)

  • Lendina (meadow)

  • Lurra (earth)

  • Mahi (earth goddess)

  • Orino (worker’s field)

  • Petra (rock)

  • Prado (meadow)

  • Tierra (earth)

  • Ulia (daughter of the earth)

list of nicknames for earth Pokémon

Air and Sky

Popular air and sky Pokémon include Rayquaza, Togekiss, Pidgeot, Honchkrow, Talonflame, Dragonite, Aerodactyl, Altaria, Skarmory, and Swanna.

To come up with nicknames for air-type Pokémon, you can use names that symbolize the air or sky in some way and already sound like they could be nicknames.

Here’s a list of names that mean air, wind, or sky:

Boy Names

  • Abhra (sky; bearing water; cloud)

  • Aeolus (keeper of the winds)

  • Akash (open space; sky)

  • Ayaz (dry and cold air)

  • Bayu (wind)

  • Boreas (north wind)

  • Caelus (sky)

  • Enlil (lord of the wind)

  • Fujin (air; wind)

  • Gokcan (vast sky)

  • Govad (good wind)

  • Mahpiya (cloud sky)

  • Myrsky (sky)

  • Notus (south wind)

  • Ouranos (sky; heaven)

  • Poyraz (north wind)

  • Sepher (sky)

  • Sota (sudden sound of the wind)

  • Typhoon (great wind)

  • Vayu (god of wind and air)

  • Zephyr (the wind)

  • Zeru (sky)

Girl Names

  • Anila (child of the wind)

  • Aura (soft breeze)

  • Azure (sky blue)

  • Brisa (breeze)

  • Coro (wind)

  • Dangira (sky)

  • Eteri (ether; air)

  • Haizea (wind)

  • Ilma (air)

  • Kalani (sky; the heavens)

  • Lulani (sky; highest heaven)

  • Makani (wind)

  • Miku (beautiful sky)

  • Mystral (cold, dry, northerly wind)

  • Ninlil (queen of the breeze; lady air)

  • Nuit (sky)

  • Rakia (sky; heaven)

  • Samira (sky)

  • Sema (sky)

  • Tsisana (of the sky)

  • Tuuli (wind)

  • Zerua (sky; heavens)

list of nicknames for sky Pokémon

Plant Life

Popular plant Pokémon include Venusaur, Torterra, Ludicolo, Sceptile, Roserade, Sunflora, Cacturne, Breloom, Cherrim, and Leafeon.

To come up with nicknames for plant-type Pokémon, you can use names that symbolize plant life in some way and already sound like they could be great nicknames.

Here’s a list of plant-related names:

Boy Names

  • Ash (ash tree)

  • Birch (bright; the birch tree)

  • Cedar (cedar tree)

  • Clove (nail; spice)

  • Elm (someone who lived near an elm tree or in an elm grove)

  • Florian (flowering)

  • Heath (land of heather and grass)

  • Koru (loop or coil)

  • Larch (deciduous evergreen)

  • Oak (meadow of oak trees)

  • Oren (laurel or pine tree)

  • Pine (dweller near a pine tree)

  • Sorrel (reddish-brown)

  • Spruce (neat; dapper)

  • Thorne (thorn bush)

  • Thyme (the spice, thyme; herb)

Girl Names

  • Azalea (dry flower)

  • Bay (berry)

  • Bryony (poisonous climbing vine)

  • Buttercup (yellow wildflower)

  • Clover (meadow flower)

  • Dahlia (Dahl’s flower)

  • Daisy (day’s eye)

  • Elowen (elm tree)

  • Flora (flower)

  • Hazel (the hazelnut tree)

  • Iris (rainbow)

  • Ivy (climbing vine plant)

  • Lily (lily)

  • Lotus (lotus flower)

  • Myrtle (of the myrtle plant)

  • Olive (olive tree)

  • Ponga (tree fern)

  • Poppy (red flower)

  • Saffron (yellow flower)

  • Sakura (cherry blossom)

  • Viscaria (sticky)

  • Wisteria (Wister’s flower)

  • Yarrow (rough stream)

  • Zinnia (flower)

list of nicknames for plant Pokémon

Stars and Planets

Popular Pokémon from space include Deoxys, Mew, Palkia, Lunala, Solgaleo, Rayquaza, Starmie, Clefairy, Solrock, and Lunatone.

To come up with nicknames for Pokémon like these, you can use names that symbolize celestial life and already make great nicknames.

Here are space-related names:

Boy Names

  • Aku (moon god)

  • Aries (one of the constellations of the zodiac located between Pisces and Taurus)

  • Arki (sun)

  • Atlas (a moon of Saturn)

  • Ataru (sun)

  • Aydan (from the moon)

  • Bahloo (moon man)

  • Dawa (moon)

  • Draco (a constellation in the far northern sky)

  • Haru (sun)

  • Hoku (star)

  • Izar (star)

  • Jupiter (largest planet in the solar system)

  • Lintang (star)

  • Orion (prominent constellation)

  • Polaris (north star)

  • Ravi (sun)

  • Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky)

  • Tarak (star)

  • Titan (Saturn’s moon)

  • Vikesh (the moon)

Girl Names

  • Akino (rising sun)

  • Amaris (child of the moon)

  • Andromeda (the closest spiral galaxy to Earth)

  • Arani (sun)

  • Astra (stars)

  • Aurora (Roman goddess of sunrise)

  • Aysel (moon flood)

  • Calypso (a moon of Saturn)

  • Chandra (goddess of the moon)

  • Cyra (sun)

  • Despina (the third-closest inner moon of Neptune)

  • Elara (the eighth largest moon of Jupiter)

  • Galatea (moon of Neptune)

  • Hoshi (star)

  • Luna (moon of Earth)

  • Lutana (moon)

  • Mahina (moon)

  • Nova (a star that suddenly brightens and then slowly returns to its original form)

  • Sasi (moon)

  • Seren (star)

  • Zaniah (a subgiant star located in the Virgo constellation)

list of nicknames for space Pokémon

Pop Culture-Inspired Pokémon Nicknames

These nicknames are inspired popular movie and TV characters, plus some awesome fictional places that sound cool:

Movie/TV Characters

  • Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

  • Aragorn (The Lord Of The Rings)

  • Aslan (The Chronicles Of Narnia)

  • Baymax (Big Hero 6)

  • Boun (Raya And The Last Dragon)

  • Bulma (Dragon Ball)

  • Finn (Adventure Time)

  • Frodo (The Lord Of The Rings)

  • Gandalf (The Lord Of The Rings)

  • Goku (Dragon Ball)

  • Hinata (Naruto)

  • Hiro (Big Hero 6)

  • Izuku (My Hero Academia)

  • Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

  • Kirby (Kirby: Right Back At Ya!)

  • Legolas (The Lord Of The Rings)

  • Leia (Star Wars)

  • Mikasa (Attack On Titan)

  • Morpheus (The Matrix)

  • Namaari (Raya And The Last Dragon)

  • Naruto (Naruto)

  • Neo (The Matrix)

  • Neytiri (Avatar)

  • Oracle (The Matrix)

  • Raya (Raya And The Last Dragon)

  • Saitama (One Punch Man)

  • Sakura (Naruto)

  • Shang-Chi (Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings)

  • Sisu (Raya And The Last Dragon)

  • Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

  • Thalia (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)

  • Tong (Raya And The Last Dragon)

  • Trinity (The Matrix)

  • Tuk Tuk (Raya And The Last Dragon)

  • Usagi (Sailor Moon)

  • Virana (Raya And The Last Dragon)

  • Wenwu (Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings)

  • Xialing (Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings)

  • Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

  • Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Fictional Planets

  • Abafar (Star Wars)

  • Agumon (Digimon)

  • Alderaan (Star Wars)

  • Aldea (Star Trek)

  • Asgard (Thor)

  • Bajor (Star Trek)

  • Crait (Star Wars)

  • Corellia (Star Wars)

  • Coruscant (Star Wars)

  • Cyborg (Teen Titans)

  • Dagobah (Star Wars)

  • D'Qar (Star Wars)

  • Ego (Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2)

  • Endor (Star Wars)

  • Eriadu (Star Wars)

  • Exegol (Star Wars)

  • Felucia (Star Wars)

  • Hoth (Star Wars)

  • Jakku (Star Wars)

  • Kamino (Star Wars)

  • Kashyyyk (Star Wars)

  • Korriban (Star Wars)

  • Kronos (Star Trek)

  • Lothal (Star Wars)

  • Mandalore (Star Wars)

  • Morag (Guardians Of The Galaxy)

  • Mustafar (Star Wars)

  • Naboo (Star Wars)

  • Pasaana (Star Wars)

  • Po (Kung Fu Panda)

  • Romulus (Star Trek)

  • Raven (Teen Titans)

  • Rura Penthe (Star Trek)

  • Scarif (Star Wars)

  • Tai (Digimon)

  • Tatooine (Star Wars)

  • Titan (Avengers Series)

  • Utapau (Star Wars)

  • Vulcan (Star Trek)

  • Vormir (Avengers: Infinity War)

  • Xandar (Guardians Of The Galaxy)

list of Pokémon nicknames from pop culture

Best Nicknames For Popular Pokémon

Based on a Pokémon survey, this list has some of the most popular Pokémon among fans. Here are the top 5 nicknames for each, according to Ranker polls:


  1. Riptide

  2. Shuriken

  3. Narutoad

  4. Ronin

  5. Frokage


  1. Anubis

  2. Ryu

  3. Alpha

  4. Lucius

  5. Cobalt


  1. Pikaboo

  2. Mimi

  3. Sketch

  4. Nightshade

  5. Nyx


  1. Inferno

  2. Blaze

  3. Wildfire

  4. Pyro

  5. Draco


  1. Eclipse

  2. Midnight

  3. Shadow

  4. Luna

  5. Obsidian


  1. Sylvia

  2. Aurora

  3. Pixie

  4. Sylvie

  5. Sakura


  1. Kaiju

  2. Mako

  3. Raptor

  4. Atlas

  5. Jaws


  1. Emerald

  2. Viper

  3. Noodle

  4. Shenron

  5. Jade


  1. Athena

  2. Aurora

  3. Serenity

  4. Luna

  5. Dawn


  1. Grim Shady

  2. Phantom

  3. Rick Gastly

  4. Nightshade

  5. Shadow


  1. Nightshot

  2. Drazooka

  3. Deadshot

  4. Toothless

  5. Ghostrider


  1. Godzilla

  2. Ragnarok

  3. Titan

  4. Kaiju

  5. Gojira


  1. Bulba Fett

  2. Ivy

  3. Sprout

  4. Venus

  5. Bud


  1. Surge

  2. Electrox

  3. Thrasher

  4. Spike

  5. Roxie


  1. Stormbreaker

  2. Silver

  3. Vortex - This is also on our list of Minecraft world names

  4. Soulstorm

  5. Cyclone


  1. Robin

  2. Apollo

  3. Hoo-Dini

  4. Hedwig

  5. Dr. Whoo


  1. Hexcalibur

  2. SirSlashALot

  3. Muramasa

  4. Darksword

  5. Edgeworth


  1. Soulfire

  2. Lumière

  3. Wisp

  4. Calcifer

  5. Lumos


  1. Sparky

  2. Volt

  3. Storm

  4. Blitz

  5. Thor


  1. Cinnamon

  2. Cookie

  3. Mocha

  4. Biscuit

  5. Caramel

list of nicknames for the most popular Pokémon creatures

🔥Which nicknames do you like? Drop a comment below!

😎 Have an awesome suggestion of your own? Share it in the comments and it might get added to our list! If we choose yours, we’ll reply to let you know 👏


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