313 Original Cornhole Team Names You’ll Wish You Thought Of
Cornhole is one of the most popular lawn games in America, also known by other names like Bags, Bag Toss, Corn Toss, Bean Toss or simply Bean Bag. Whether you play one-on-one or in teams of two, the goal is to toss a bean bag through the cornhole or onto the board to score points.
If you want to make your game even more fun, choose a hilarious or unique cornhole team name! Whether you’ve joined a tournament or are heading to a cookout with family and friends, we’ve got over 310 clever cornhole team names, including funny, unique, and tournament-ready options to help your team stand out! Let’s go!
(Originally published: Feb 14, 2023 | Updated: Mar 2, 2025)
Best Cornhole Team Names
Air Mail
All In
Away It Goes
Backyard Champions
Bag Dolls
Bag Masters
Bagged And Stoked
Baggin’ Dragons
Baggin' Rights
Bean Bag Bagger
Beers And Bags
Bodacious Baggers
Born For Corn
Boss Of The Toss
Corn Baggers
Corn Bread
Corn Chips
Corn Chowder
Corn Crackers
Corn Dogs - This is also on our list of names for groups of 3 guys
Cornbread Casserole
Cornhole Beaners
Farmland Surprise
Good Corning Vietnam
Hole Burners
It’s In The Bag
Jack And The Bean Bag
Kernel Kings
Lady Launchers
Magnificent Maizers
Maize Brigade
Nitty Gritty
Operation Domination - This is also on our list of gaming names
Picnic On
Popcorn Bags
Ready To Toss
Sack Attack
Sling Kings
Stalk Is Cheap
Starchky & Husk
Suburb Goals - This is also on our list of couple team names
Sweet And Spicy
Team Of Baggers
That’s Corny
The Abominable Cornholers
The Accurate Dudes
The Blokes Of Cornhole
The Brave And The Accurate
The Chuggers
The Classier Women
The Coffee Beans
The Conquerors
The Gifted Beans
The Greatest Cornholers
The Hole Enchilada
The Human Beans
The Impossible Beans
The Last Bag Standing
The Lawnmowers
The Legends Of Cornhole
The Lords Of Bags
The Lovely Couple
The Outsiders
The Throw Masters
The Troublemakers - This is also on our list of scavenger hunt team names
The True Winners
Throwing Shade
Toss Em’ And Burn Em’
Urban Huskers
We Will Sack You
We’re All Ears
Winners Not Whiners
Funny Cornhole Team Names
Air Beans
Amazing Beans
Awe Shucks
Backyard Maniacs
Bag Boomers
Bagged, Beans, And More
Bags Of Joy
Bean Bag Burritos
Bean Stompers
Beer On The Lawn
Blood Sweat And Ears
Can’t Corn This
Corn Cobs & Robbers
Corn Nuggets
Corn On The Cobwebs
Cornhole Cartel
Cornhole Or Die
Cornhole Royalty
Cornholers Redefined
Corning Around The Board
Fire In The Hole
Flash Cob
Fo’ Shizzle Cornizzle
Granny Throwers
Here For Beer - This is also on our list of funny pool team names
High Fructose
Hillbilly Horseshoes
Hole Heroes
Jimmy Crack Cornhole
Kernel Sanders
Kernels Of Truth
Kettle Korn
Ninjas At Cornhole
Off The Cob
Oh, Shoot
Old Bags - This is also on our list of names for a 4 friend group
Redneck Throwers
Risking The Bag
Sackers Unlimited
Shuck Norris
Shut Your Cornhole
Slick Woodys
Sons Of Pitches - Sons Of Pitches is also on our list of trivia team names
Southern Fried Corn
The Bean Bandits
The Beandidos
The Bigger Men
The Black Hole Enthusiasts
The Cornstalks
Toss Em’ High
Toss KaBoom
We Smell Skunk
RELATED: Funny Team Names For Games
Pop Culture Cornhole Team Names
Bag To The Future (Back To The Future)
Bagnolia (Magnolia)
Bags To The Bone (Bad To The Bone)
Bagtastic Beasts (Fantastic Beasts)
Bilbo Baggins (The Lord Of The Rings)
Corn Air (Con Air)
Corn On The Fourth Of July (Born On The Fourth Of July)
Corn To Be Wild (Born To Be Wild)
Cornadoes (Sharknado)
Cornholio (Beavis And Butt-Head)
Driving Miss Maizey (Driving Miss Daisy)
Dude, Where’s My Corn? (Dude, Where’s My Car?)
Game Of Corn (Game Of Thrones)
Game Of Throws (Game Of Thrones) - This is also on our list of darts team names
Golden Girls (The Golden Girls) - This is also on our list of color team names
How I Met Your Bagger (How I Met Your Mother)
Maize Runner (The Maze Runner)
Pitch Perfect (Movie)
Pirates Of The Cornibbean (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Prince Of Cornia (The Prince Of Persia)
Shuck Dynasty (Duck Dynasty)
The Bald And The Beautiful (The Bold And The Beautiful)
The Big Lebagski (The Big Lebowski)
The Cobfather (The Godfather)
The Courne Identity (The Bourne Identity)
The Corn Ultimatum (The Bourne Ultimatum)
The Stalking Dead (The Walking Dead)
Clever Cornhole Names
Advanced Pitchers
All Ace
Amaizing Aimers
Back Door Burglars
Bag Busters
Bag Spinners
Bag Well Done
Baggin’ And Braggin’
Barging In
Bean Banters
Bean Salad
Bean Stalks
Bean There Thrown That
Beloved Baggers
Big Bag Theory
Big On Beer, Accurate On Cornhole
Candycorn Crushers
Cheesy Corn Poppers
Children Of The Cornhole
Civilized Beanies
Cob Story
Corn Again
Corn Free
Corn In The USA
Corny Crushers
Cowboy Caviar
Crazy For Cornhole
Cute Beanies
Fling The Thing
Flop Drop
Fluffy Beans
Free Throwers
Fresh Corn
Fresh Four Baggers
Get Away
Giants Of Cornhole
Glen’s Boys
Glorious Gushers
Go For Gold
Golden Beans
Golden Glory Holes
Gonna Cream You
Grain Grenadiers
Hole In One
Hole In The Board
Hole-istic Medicine
Holey Moley
Hot Beans
Human Beans
Into The Hole
Jelly Beanbags
Jiffy Pop
Magical Maizers
Maize Runners
Maize Seizers
Maized And Confused
Mama Beanie
Seize The Maize
Shooting Shuckers
The Bar Dogs
The Baristas
Toss and Turn - This is also on our list of duo names
Toss This
Toss Those Beans
What A Shucker
Cornhole Tournament Name Ideas
Adrenaline Slingers
American Cornholers
Backstop Boys
Bag Assassins
Bag Tossers
Bags And Beards
Bags Of Fury
Bags Of Winnings
Bean Bag Mania
Bean Baggers
Bean Tossers
Beer Buds - This is also on our lists of beer pong team name ideas and Beer Olympics team names
Better Baggers
Brave Buddies
Competent Cornhole Experts
Cool Beaners
Cool Cornholers
Corn Queso
Corn Shuckers
Corn Stalkers
Corn To Be Wild
Cornhole Conquerors
Cornhole Dogs
Cornhole Experts
Cornhole Ladies
Cornhole Lovers
Cornhole Ninjas
Da Bomb Squad
Devour The Cornbread
Dirty Bag Destroyers
Doctors Of The Corn
Double Deucers - This is also on our list of Kan Jam team names
Flying Racers
Friends Of Cornhole
Fun Baggers
Game Masters
King Corn
Krazy For Kernels
Lady Luck
Last Bag Standing
Lawn Game Enthusiasts
Legends Of Cornhole
Let’s Bag It
Light ‘Em Up
Loft And Pray
Looking Tossy
Lovely Lippers
Magic Hands
Magical Beans
Sandbaggers - This is also on our list of funny men’s team names
Score More
Sweet Corn
Target Everywhere
Team Baggers
The Accurate Tossers
The Already Winners
The Avid Cornholers
The Bag Experts
The Dream Team
The Eagles
The Fliers
The Flying Bean Bag
The Friendly Beans
The Peppercorns
The Rabbit Hole
The Ringers
The Snipers
The Vikings Of Cornhole
The Violators
The Whole Enchilada
The Wrecking Crew
Throwing Up
Toss To Oblivion
Trick Shots
Unstoppable Cornoholics
When We Toss