159 Impressive World Of Warcraft (WOW) Guild Names


In the popular role-playing game World of Warcraft (WoW), guilds are groups of players who come together across the world of Azeroth to take on challenges. They team up to complete missions, fight bosses, compete against other players, socialize, and more.

Strong guild names matter because they represent your group, help you stand out, and attract new members. Whether you want something funny, powerful, or lore-inspired, this guide has over 150 of the best WoW guild names for every style.

world of warcraft guild names text over mountain range

Funny World of Warcraft Guild Names

From clever puns to witty WoW references, these names are for guilds with a sense of humor:

  • AoE My Gosh (players who spam area-of-effect spells)

  • Alliance Of Awkward (Alliance faction reference)

  • Azeroth Custodians (this guild cleans up in WoW)

  • Bubble Trouble (a pun combining bubble immunity and double trouble)

  • Burst Friends Forever (a play on burst damage)

  • Cleave It To Me (inspired by cleave damage)

  • Crawling To Northrend (references the slow, tough journey to Northrend)

  • Crit Happens (a play on critical hits)

  • Critter Killers (for players who hunt small, harmless creatures in the game)

  • Cutting Hedge (a pun on cutting edge)

  • Dalaran Derelicts (self-deprecating name for a group of misfits in Dalaran)

  • Deathwing It (twist on the dragon Deathwing and wing it)

  • Dot Com (a pun on DOT, Damage Over Time)

  • For The Horde-oeuvres (A pun on “For the Horde” with appetizers)

  • Frost Shock Therapy (Frost Shock spell reference)

  • Get Us A Mana-ger (play on mana)

  • Gnomebody Cares (a pun combining gnome with nobody cares)

  • Gnomebody Knows (a pun combining gnome with nobody knows)

  • Gnome Sweet Gnome (twist on home sweet home)

  • Griefer Therapy Group (support group for people dealing with players who annoy everyone)

  • Here We Gnome Again (a play on words, here we go again)

  • Hearthstone Abusers (for players who overuse Hearthstone to avoid danger by teleporting to their home base)

  • Horde Hoarders (play on WoW’s Horde faction and hoarding)

  • Keyboard Turners (when less-experienced players turn their characters by using a keyboard instead of a mouse)

  • Keystoners (pun with dungeon keys and stoners)

  • Lag-spike Survivors (celebrates those who manage to keep playing despite sudden slowdowns in internet connection)

  • Loot Enforcers (name for a guild that jokes about enforcing loot rules, implying they take control of loot distribution during raids)

  • LoS Cause (Line of Sight and lost cause pun)

  • Millionaire Menders (players who are wealthy enough to always spend gold on repairing their gear after battles)

  • Molten Bored (a pun combining Molten Core with bored)

  • Murloc ’N Roll (mix of Murlocs and rock and roll)

  • Naga Gonna Stop (a pun on Naga and never gonna stop)

  • Nagas (creatures known for their underwater kingdoms and power)

  • Nec-romantics (play on necromantic magic)

  • Oom And Gloom (based on Out Of Mana or OOM)

  • Orc-ward Moments (a pun combining Orc and awkward moments)

  • Overhealers Anonymous (a funny take on overhealing)

  • Que Sera Wipe (A pun on Que Sera Sera, meaning “what will be, will be,” which implies that wiping in battles is inevitable)

  • Respawn Ready (guilds that are always ready to wipe and start again)

  • Three Inches Unbuffed (a hilarious reference to a full gnome guild)

  • Trash Talkers (refers to non-boss monsters, or “trash mobs”)

  • Udder Chaos (A pun on utter chaos, that replaces utter with udder to reference the cow-like Tauren race in WoW)

  • We Never Finish Anythi (funny, incomplete guild name)

  • Weekly Disappointment (for players who are constantly let down by their raids)

Need more inspiration? Check out our list of Funny Clan Names For COD.

list of funny World of Warcraft guild names like Burst Friends Forever

Guild Names Based On World Of Warcraft Characters

This list is for players looking for names based on World of Warcraft characters:

  • Aman’Thul’s Guardians (Aman'Thul, a titan and leader in the Pantheon of WoW lore)

  • Arthas’ Legacy (Arthas Menethil, the infamous Lich King in WoW)

  • Baine Of Our Existence (Baine Bloodhoof and bane of my existence)

  • Blackhanded Compliment (Blackhand and backhanded compliment)

  • Chen-ergetic (Chen Stormstout and energetic)

  • Chen’s Brewmasters (Chen Stormstout, a Pandaren brewmaster)

  • Deathwing It (twist on the dragon Deathwing and wing it)

  • Dreadlords Unleashed (the feared and powerful Dreadlords from WoW lore)

  • Elune-tics (Elune, a goddess in WoW)

  • Fenris Bueller’s Day Off (Fenris, The Iron Wolf and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)

  • Get Lich Or Die Tryin (a pun on the Lich King and Get Rich or Die Tryin by 50 Cent)

  • Grommosh Pit (Grommash Hellscream and mosh pit)

  • Hogger Was Framed (Hogger, a low-level boss in WoW)

  • Kenan And Kel’Thuzad (a play on Kenan and Kel and Kel’Thuzad)

  • Kilrogg N' Roll (Kilrogg Deadeye and rock and roll)

  • Lich Please (Lich King twist)

  • Malfurious Rage (Malfurion Stormrage and furious rage)

  • Maraad About You (Vindicator Maraad and Mad About You)

  • Ner’zhul Be Back (Ner’zhul and I’ll be back)

  • Rexx Marks The Spot (Rexxar and X marks the spot)

  • Rexxarcise Routine (Rexxar and exercise routine)

  • Shear Madness (Inspired by Illidan’s war glaives)

  • Sunwalker Texas Ranger (Sunwalker Dezco and Walker, Texas Ranger)

  • The Forsaken Curse (refers to Sylvanas and her undead followers, the Forsaken in WoW)

  • Thrall Or Nothing (Thrall and all or nothing)

  • Thrall Seekers (Thrall and thrill seekers)

  • Trolls Goals (A race in WoW known for their magic and spirit connection)

  • Uthered Into Battle (Uther the Lightbringer and ushered into battle)

  • Vol’jin And Tonic (a pun combining Vol’jin and gin & tonic)

  • Wyrms (dragon-like creatures in WoW)

Inspired by characters? Step it up with these gaming names.

list of guild names based on WoW characters like Chen-ergetic and Elune-tics

Powerful & Intimidating WOW Guild Names

These names are for guilds that want to show off their strength and dominance in the game:

  • Abysswalkers (suggests mastery over dark realms)

  • Aspect Of The Pack (a hunter spell that enhances the group’s speed)

  • Blackrock Bandits (Blackrock Spire plus bandits)

  • Blood Oath (a binding commitment, perfect for a loyal guild)

  • Blood Warriors (strong and ruthless fighters)

  • Dark Swords (fitting for warriors or paladins with shadow-infused weapons)

  • Death Brigade (good for a guild with Death Knights or warlocks)

  • Doombringers (represents the arrival of destruction)

  • Doomsday (represents the apocalypse)

  • Dreadnoughts (giant, unstoppable forces in combat)

  • Iron Hearts (strong and resilient in battle)

  • Ironclad Warriors (an unbreakable group)

  • Frostfangs (cold and deadly)

  • Frostfire (combination of two mage specializations: frost and fire)

  • Mana-tics (a play on mana, a key resource for magic-based classes)

  • Mind Control Masters (Inspired by the Priest spell, Mind Control)

  • Rageforged (refers to warriors or blacksmiths fueled by rage)

  • Shadow Chasers (inspired by rogue or shadow priest classes)

  • Shadowmancers (masters of shadow magic)

  • Skull Crushers (brutal fighters)

  • Splatter Demons (name for a warlock or demon guild)

  • Stormbound (reflects elemental power)

  • Stormriders (masters of the elements)

  • The Dark Tetrad (a set of four negative personality traits: narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and sadism)

  • Venomclaw (dangerous, poisonous warriors)

  • Vipers (Venomous snakes)

  • Voidreavers (conquerors of the void)

  • Warpath (a group that marches to war)

  • Widow Makers (black widow spider’s deadly venom)

  • Wrath Bringers (symbolizes destruction and anger)

Feeling competitive? Check out these Esports team names.

list of powerful WoW guild names like Bload Oath and Rageforged

Pop-Culture WOW Guild Name Ideas

These names are inspired by popular movies, shows, and games:

  • A Clan Has No Name (Game Of Thrones)

  • Bounty Hunters (The Mandalorian)

  • BowsersFury (Super Mario)

  • Breaking Badge (Breaking Bad and the Horde/Alliance badges)

  • Darth Invaders (Star Wars)

  • DeadpoolDoom (Deadpool, Marvel)

  • DoomSlayers (DOOM)

  • Dungeons & Dragons (tabletop role-playing game)

  • Dracarys (Game Of Thrones)

  • Duke Nukems (Duke Nukem)

  • Endgame (Avengers: Endgame)

  • Excommunicados (John Wick)

  • Fel’s Kitchen (Fel magic and Hell’s Kitchen)

  • Fight Club (Movie)

  • Gnome Alone (Home Alone)

  • Gotta Raid ‘Em All (Pokémon: Gotta Catch ‘Em All)

  • Jedi Knights (Star Wars)

  • Livin’ On A Player (Livin’ On A Prayer, Bon Jovi)

  • Murlocalypse Now (Apocalypse Now)

  • Night’s Watch (Game Of Thrones)

  • Oprah Windfury (Oprah Winfrey and the Windfury ability)

  • Raiders Of The Lost Ark (Indiana Jones)

  • Ride Or Die (Fast & Furious)

  • Sith Happens (Star Wars)

  • SnakeSolid (Metal Gear Solid)

  • Spartans (300)

  • The Expendables (Action movie)

  • The Fellowship Of The Ring Of Frost (The Lord Of The Rings and the Ring Of Frost spell)

  • The Kingslayers (Game Of Thrones)

  • The Last Raidbender (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

  • The Phantom Menace (Star Wars)

  • To Wipe Or Not To Wipe (Shakespeare’s To Be Or Not To Be reference)

  • Unsullied (Game Of Thrones)

  • UwU Tang Clan (Wu-Tang Clan and the UwU emoticon)

  • Valar Morghulis (Game Of Thrones - it means “all men must die”)

  • Warchief’s Creed (Assassin’s Creed)

  • X-Menagerie (X-Men and the Menagerie)

If you like these, take a look at our Fortnite group chat names.

list of WoW guild names based on pop culture like Darth Invaders and Sith Happens

World Of Warcraft Guild Names Inspired By Lore

This list is for guilds made up of players who are into lore:

  • Basilisks (mythical serpent king with a deadly gaze)

  • Cerberus Force (three-headed dog from Greek mythology that guards the Underworld)

  • Chimeras (a mythical beast with a lion’s body, goat’s head, and serpent’s tail)

  • Draconic Ascendants (rising to dragon-like power)

  • Dreadlords Unleashed (feared and powerful Dreadlords)

  • Fallen Angels (angelic beings fallen from grace)

  • Gorgons (mythical sisters, including Medusa, whose gaze could turn people to stone)

  • Griffons (mythical creature with a ‘body and eagle’s wings)

  • Harpies (mythical creatures with a woman’s face and a bird’s body)

  • Hydras (a multi-headed serpent from mythology that grows two heads for every one cut off)

  • Krakens (a legendary sea monster known for pulling ships into the depths)

  • Manticores (a mythical creature with a lion’s body, scorpion’s tail, and human face)

  • Minotaurs (a mythical creature with a man’s body and a bull’s head)

  • Phoenix Squad (a mythical bird that rises from its ashes, symbolizing immortality)

  • Shadowmoon Sentinels (Shadowmoon Clan protectors)

  • Sirens (mythical creatures that lure sailors to danger with enchanting songs)

  • The Four Horsemen (figures from the Bible, symbolize conquest, war, famine, and death, representing the apocalypse)

  • The Valkyries (Norse maidens who choose the bravest warriors for Valhalla)


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list of World of Warcraft guild names that are lore-inspired like Krakens and Phoenix Squad

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Guild Name

Here are some suggestions:

  • Use Clever Wordplay: Punny names like “Lich Please” add humor while staying WoW-related.

  • Keep It Short: Shorter names are easier to remember.

  • Use Alliteration: Words next to each other with the same sound or letter at the beginning are catchy. Think “Dalaran Defenders,” for example.

  • Incorporate WoW’s Lore: If you’re into the game’s lore, using names like “Aman’Thul’s Guardians” can attract like-minded players to your guild.

  • Pop Culture References: Combining pop culture with game references is a favorite amongst gamers.

  • Check Your Acronyms: Make sure your name’s acronym doesn’t spell something awkward!

At the end of the day, the best guild name shows off your team’s personality and unique style. Take your time to pick something you’ll be proud to display!

Looking for more name ideas?

Check out these:

Duo Names For Games

Group Names For 4 Friends

Group Names For 3 Friends

Creative Couple Team Names

⚔️ Which guild names do you like? Drop a comment below!

😎 Have an awesome suggestion of your own? Share it in the comments and it might get added to our list! If we choose yours, we’ll reply to let you know 👏


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