345 Elite Paintball Team Names To Dominate The Competition
What started as a way to mark trees and livestock evolved into a fast-paced team sport called paintball in the 1980s. The game’s popularity grew, leading to the National Xball League (NXL) formation in 2015, which helped paintball become a recognized professional sport.
In the game, players form teams and choose paintball team names that reflect their strategy or attitude. Competitions take place on indoor and outdoor fields, and players wear masks, helmets, and padding for safety.
The goal is to eliminate opponents using air-powered guns called markers that shoot paint-filled pellets. When a pellet hits someone, it breaks open, marking them with paint and eliminating them from the game.
Strategy and teamwork are key to winning. The most popular game formats are woodsball (outdoor and tactical), speedball (arena-style), and capture the flag (objective-based).
This post features a list of names for paintball teams that range from clever and funny to military-inspired and more. Whether playing for fun or in competitions, there’s a name here for your team!
Cool & Clever Paintball Team Names
Assassin Squad - This is also on our list of gaming names
Attack Pack
Ball Blasters
Basquiat Blasters
Big Shots
Blazing Barrels
Body Shots
Bounty Hunters - This is also on our list of police team names
Bruise Control
Caravaggio Crossfire
Chromatic Chaos
Code Of Silence
Crosshair Crew
Da Vinci Loaders
Echo Strike
Final Judgement
Goya Gunners
Hit Squad
Homicide Proficiency
Hot Shots
In Guns We Trust
Ink Slingers
Iridescent Warriors
Matisse Marksmen
Michelangelo Machine Guns
Monet Marksmen
Money Shot - This is also on our list of darts team names
O’Keeffe Outlaws
On The Prowl
Pack Hunters
Picasso Projectiles
Point Blank
Pollock Paintbombs
Prism Squad
Rainbow Rebellion
Rapid Fire
Rembrandt Riflemen
Ricochet Rebels
Savage Snipers
Sharp Shooters
Shooting Stars
Shot Callers
Specter Unit
Splat Tactics
Splatter Demons
Target Practice
The Inkblots
The Mark Makers
The Pain Train
Ultra Impact
Unresolved Conflict
Van Gogh Venom
Warhol Warriors
Funny Paintball Team Names
Ball Busters
Ball Of Fame
Ball Me, Maybe
Balls Of Fury - This is also on our list of ping pong team names
Balls Out
Bloodbath & Beyond
Body Shots
Bro Code
Bros Before Foes
Cereal Killers
Cheaper Than Therapy
Dying Frenzy
Fresh Meat Mafia
Having A Ball
Hell In A Helmet
Hit & Run
Hit For Brains - This is also on our list of dodgeball team names
Hit Happens
Hit Talkers
Hits & Giggles
Kill Slaw
Machine Gun Bellys
Macho Nachos
No Hit Sherlock
No Scope Snipers
One-Hit Wonders
Pads Of Fury
Peaches & Scream
Pump Chumps
Registered Flex Offenders
Regretti Spaghetti
Rejects Of Fury
Riff Raff Reloaded
Rude Snipers
Running On Empty
Salty Shooters
Scared Hitless
Scared Shotless
Scream & Sugar
Shooting Impaired - This is also on our list of funny pool team names
Splat Happens
The Bang Gang
The Drip Squad
The Miss-Fires
Trigger Happy Trolls
Vicious Noobs
Pop Culture-Inspired Paintball Team Names
2 Legit 2 Hit (2 Legit 2 Quit by MC Hammer)
21 Guns (Green Day song)
A Team Has No Name (Game Of Thrones)
Ball Of Duty (Call Of Duty)
RELATED - Call Of Duty Clan Names
Band Of Brothers (TV Show)
Born To Kill (Full Metal Jacket)
Bounty Hunters (The Mandalorian)
Brave Hearts (Braveheart)
Clear And Present Danger (Movie)
Continental Assassins (John Wick)
Dark Knights (The Dark Knight)
DeVAS (The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad from Kill Bill)
Dracarys (Game Of Thrones)
Duke Nukems (Video game)
Excommunicados (John Wick)
First Blood (Rambo)
Guns N’ Roses (Band)
Hellboys (Movie)
Highlanders (TV Series)
Hit Me With Your Best Shot (Song by Pat Benatar) - This is also on our list of volleyball team names
Judge Dredds (Movie and comic)
Judgement Day (Terminator)
Justice League (Movie)
Nakatomi Rangers (Die Hard)
Natural Born Killers (Movie)
Paint Patrol (Paw Patrol)
Protectors Of The Realm (Game Of Thrones)
Raiders Of The Lost Track (Raiders Of The Lost Ark)
Scar Wars (Star Wars)
The A-Team (TV Series & Movie)
The Avengers (Movie)
The Dirty Harrys (Dirty Harry)
The Expendables (Action movie)
The Grunts (Full Metal Jacket)
The Inkredibles (The Incredibles)
The Mandalorians (The Mandalorian)
The Rolling Bones (The Rolling Stones)
Threat Level Midnight (The Office)
Top Guns (Top Gun)
Tracker Jackers (The Hunger Games)
Unbreakable (Movie)
Unsullied (Game Of Thrones)
Valar Morghulis (Game Of Thrones - it means “all men must die”)
Valkyries (Movie with Tom Cruise)
We Are Groot (Guardians Of The Galaxy)
Winter Soldiers (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Yippee Ki-Yay (Die Hard)
Tactical & Military Slang Paintball Team Names
AWOLs (Absent Without Leave)
Bang-Bangs (Pistol/rifle)
Black Ops
Blue Falcons (Backstabber)
Bravo Zulus (Well done)
Civvies (Civilian clothes)
Delta Force - This is also on our list of military-inspired Fortnite group chat names
Fart Sacks (Sleeping bag or flight suit)
Fugazis (Out of whack)
Geardos (Soldier overly focused on gear)
Ghost Recon
Got Your Six (We’ve got your back)
Green Berets
Hooahs (Army term to express unity & enthusiasm)
Hooyahs (Navy Seals term to express unity & enthusiasm)
Lima Charlies (Loud and Clear)
MARSOC (Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command)
Night Stalkers
Oorahs (Marine’s term to express unity & enthusiasm)
Oscar Mikes (On the Move)
Rack Outs (Go to sleep)
Ranger Regiment
Roger Thats (Understood; acknowledged)
SEAL Team 6
Section 8s (Deemed mentally unfit for service and discharged)
Spec Ops
Special Forces
Splatter Platoon
TACAMOs (Take Charge And Move Out)
Tango Mikes (Thanks Much)
Tango Yankees (Thank You)
Task Force
Zero Dark Thirtys (Early morning missions)
Zoomies (Flying vehicle operator)
Aggressive Paintball Team Names
Advanced Chaos - This is also on our list of esports team names
Alpha Reloaded
Ammo Alliance
Angry Assault
Annihilator’s Fury
Apocalyptic Dreamforce
Battle Boys
Beyond Mayhem
Color Carnage
Cover Fire
Cult Assassins
Death Dance
Demented Shooters
Diabolic Destroyers
Diligent Kill Squad
Easy Sweep
Feel The Wrath
Flesh Poets
Fury Squad
Kill Shots
Maniacal Rage
Secret Agents
Skull Crushers
Slaughter Splatter
Snipe & Destroy
Splatter Elite
Spray Squad
The Fallen
Tough Shots
Unbiased Executioners
Weapons Of Mass Destruction
Weekend Warriors
Widow Makers
Zero Hour
Woodsball Paintball Team Names
Backwoods Battalion
Bearded Snipers
Boar Brigade
Cedar Snipers
Crossfire Chaos
Fallen Leaves
Forest Phantoms
Hidden Marksmen
Ivy Ambush
Leaf Lurkers
Leaf No Trace
Lichen Warfare
Log Pile Legends
Mossy Marksmen
Pinewood Predators
Rattle Snakes
Rubble Runners
Silent Saplings
Snake Strike
Splatterjacks (Splatter+Lumberjacks)
Sun’s Out, Guns Out
The Hunger Gamers
Tree Line Terrors
Underbrush Unit
Undercover Squirrels
Woodland Wreckers
Speedball Paintball Team Names
Blazing Brothers
Boom Blasters
Breakout Bosses
Color Rush
Lateral Lightning
Need For Speed
Rapid Strike
Savage Surge
Speed Demons
Speedstrike Unit
Strike Eagle
Supersonic Force
Surge Storm
Tactical Sprint
Terminal Velocity
The Airbursts
The Blitz Gunners
Turbo Takedown
Zero Delay
Capture The Flag Paintball Team Names
Ambush Tactics
Base Invaders
Extraction Squad
Flag Fortress
Flag Snatchers
Flags Of Fury - This is also on our list of flag football team names
Flank Force
Kevlar Guards
No Man’s Land
Operation: Capture
Paintball Raiders
Perimeter Patrol
Rapid Retrieval
Recon Runners
Stealth Capture
Tactical Takeover
The Flag Splatters
The Last Battalion
Funny Stag Party Paintball Team Names
Amber Assassins
Ammo & Ales
Bachelors & Brews
Battle Brew Crew
Beer Ballers
Beer It On
Beer Pressure
Beerheart (Braveheart)
Blood, Sweat, And Beers
Brewed For Battle
Brews Brothers (Blues Brothers)
Brew-tang Clan (Wu-Tang Clan)
Chugg Life (Thug Life)
Chugg Norris (Chuck Norris)
Clint Yeastwood (Clint Eastwood)
Dead Liver Society (Dead Poets Society)
Drink 182 (Blink-182)
Forrest Drunk (Forrest Gump)
Gulp Fiction (Pulp Fiction)
Hops & Headshots
Hungover Hitmen
Inglorious Beer Stars (Inglourious Basterds)
Jager Bombers
Keg Stand Snipers
Lager Loaders
Natural Born Drunks (Natural Born Killers)
Pale Ale Platoon
Pint-Up Frustration
Porter Dinklage (Peter Dinklage)
Primal Beer (Primal Fear)
Raiders Of The Lost Beer (Raiders Of The Lost Ark)
Red, White, And Brew
Robohop (Robocop)
Rumpelstoutskin (Rumpelstiltskin)
Shots Before Shots
Six Pack Attack
Smooth Hoperators (Smooth Operator, song by Sade)
Stag Snipers
Stout Shooters
Super Smashed Brothers (Super Smash Bros)
The Drunken Marksmen
The Last Night Legends
The Pintballers
The Yeastie Boys (Beastie Boys)
Three Sheets
Weapons Of Mass Intoxication
When Drunks Cry (When Doves Cry, Song By Prince)
Yeast Mode