183 Best Dodgeball Team Names That Are Funny Or Clever
Dodgeball might date back over 200 years ago in Africa, where there’s a theory that tribes would hurl large rocks at each other as a deadly form of combat training.
Since dodgeball’s origins aren’t well documented, we’ll focus on its more recent history. By the late 80’s and early 90’s, it had evolved into a popular game played in gym classes across the United States, where adding creative dodgeball team names was part of the fun.
Now, it is rarely played in schools, due to its potential for physical and emotional harm. Instead, dodgeball has been taken over by adults.
From amateur leagues to professional teams with the World Dodgeball Federation, the new version of dodgeball isn’t just a game, it’s a sport that’s gone global.
Whether you’re playing for fun or joining a league, using funny or clever team names will help your group stand out from the rest. In this post, we have over 180 team names for dodgeball, categorized for your convenience.
Best Dodgeball Team Names
Aim Game
Attack Pack
Ballbarians - This is also on our list of names for kickball teams
Ball Blasters
Ball Hoggers - This is also on our list of netball team names
Blastards - This also make a good badminton team name
Body Shots
Buddy Blasters
Bring It On
Can’t Dodge This
Catch-22 Crew
Curve Balls
Dodge Caravans
Dodgers - This is also on our list of flag football team name ideas
Dodging Divas
Effective Killshots
Face Breakers
Forward Frenzy
Hard Targets
Hit-Men - This is also on our list of team names for volleyball
Hurling Havoc
In The Zone
Inevitable Impact
Lethal Lobbers - This is also on our lists of tennis team names and ping ping team names
Living Legends
Ninja Reflexes
Offense Overdrive
Pelt Punks
Pummel Posse
Rapid Retreat
Record Breakers
Sneaky Strikers
Spin Doctors - This is also on our list of fishing team names
Strike Force
Tag Masters
Team Vendetta
Wield And Shield
Wrecking Balls - This is also on our list of bocce ball team names
Funny Dodgeball Team Names
Ball Busters
Ball Huggers
Ball In The Family
Ball Me Maybe
Benchwarmers - This is also on our list of funny soccer team names
Blood, Sweat And Beers - This is also on our list of names for CrossFit teams
Brain Damage
Comeback Kids
Crotch Shots
Dead Beats
Dental Disasters
Disputed Kills
Duck, Duck, Chuck
Gym Class Heroes
Hit For Brains - This is also on our lists of funny roller derby names and funny paintball team names
Hot Heads
Human Targets
Hurt Feelings
In The Dodge House
Injured Reserve - This is also on our list of funny names for hockey teams
Legally Blind
Man Babies
Mean Girls
Mismatched Socks
Mother Duckers
No Hit Sherlock
Oops!... We Dodged It Again
One-Hit Wonders - This is also on our list of funny team names for pickleball
Picked Last
Reliving Our Youth
Ruled Out
Sacrificial Buffers
Scrambled Legs - This is also on our list of funny running team names
Shot In The Face
Sitting Ducks
Slow Reactions
Sweaty Betty’s - This is also on our list of team names for 5 girl best friends
Target Practice
Team Whiff
Total Meltdown
Wacker Smackers
Young And Breathless - This is also on our list of walking team names
Clever Team Names For Dodgeball
Aim For Fame
Backline Ballers
Big Dippers
Ball In The Family - This is also on our list of pop culture golf team names
Ball Of Duty - This is also on our list of names for softball teams
Ball Of Fame
Ballz 2 Men
Beastie Balls
Blowing Off Steam - This is also on our list of fitness team names
Daffy Duckers
Daj Mabal
Dead Ballers
Deflection Section
District 12
Dodgosaurus Rex’s
Don’t Stop Ballieving
Duck Dynasty
Evasive Energy
Game Of Throws - This is also on our list of team names for basketball
Get Out Of Dodge
Good Will Dodging
Having A Ball - This is also on our list of fantasy football team name ideas
Here Come The Sidesteppers
In Dodge We Trust
Much Ado About Balling
Not Out
Offensive Ops
Plastic Surgeons
Pump Fakers
Reservoir Dodge
Risky Ballness
Rubber Chuckers
Shag Squad
Slumdodge Millionaires
Snoop Dodgy Dodgers
Tag Team
The Dodgefathers
Dodgeball Tournament Name Ideas
Aerial Onslaught - This is also on our list of ultimate frisbee® team names
Airborne Attack
Aim Arena
Advanced Assault
Ball Brawl
Ball Wars
Ballistic Battle
Clash Of Balls
Collision Course
Dodgeball Gauntlet
Dodge Chargers
Dodger’s Conquest
Evasion Quest
Fling Fest
Heave Hoopla
Pelt League
Pummel Party
Rally Rumble
Rapid Fire
Shagger’s Haven
Sling Series
Throw Fest
Throwdown Showdown
Turbo Toss
Dodgeball Team Names From The Movie
You might remember Ben Stiller starring in a popular sports comedy that came out in 2004 titled: “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story.” Here are some dodgeball team names from the movie:
Average Joe’s
Charging Donkeys
Clown Punchers
Flying Cougars
Girl Scout Troop #417
Las Vegas P.D.
Moose Knuckles
Purple Cobras - This is also on our list of team names that have colors in them
She Mullets
Skillz That Killz
Team Blitzkrieg
Want your team name printed on a shirt or something else?
If you’re thinking about customizing t-shirts or other products with your team’s name on them, we can help you decide. From t-shirts to banners, I've handpicked and reviewed the best items to make your team stand out.
Head over to my detailed reviews and discover the top picks!